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"Recycle for Sight" - Eyeglasses Collections - Ongoing

The Medfield Lions Club collects eyeglasses of every sort: prescription & reading, clear & sunglass, adult & children's.  Collection boxes are placed throughout Town: Blue Moon Bagel Cafe, Shaw's Windowsill near exit, Medfield Public Library reference room, Medfield Eye Care, Medfield Eye Associates, Medfield Senior Center, Needham Bank, and Roberts Mitchell Caruso Funeral Home.


The Medfield Lions Club also accepts hearing aids.


Collected glasses are brought to a District center whose volunteers clean, sort by prescription strength, and package the glasses for distribution for people in need in low- and middle-income communities in the US and abroad, where they will have the greatest impact.  1,550 eyeglasses were collected this 2022-23 Lionistic year.  Much thanks to all who have donated through the years and have made an impact in others' lives.


Through Lions International volunteers and eye care professionals screen thousands of children and adults during sight missions, providing them - free of charge - with prescription lenses, frames, and ultimately a better quality of life.  Lions International also provides recycled glasses to nonprofit organizations focused on eye care, as well as to optometry college groups, religious organizations, and military assistance groups, which also distribute to people in need.

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